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Name: Doogie <E-mail>
Subject: Re: 100,000 Yen
Date: 2006/04/12 16:10:53
Reference: msg/03923

Then the box set would be 200,000 Yen!  :P

(you're right though, it is strange that none of these made it.
Maybe because the box set is concentrating on keeping her earlier
works alive and refreshed?)

Date:4/12/1998. Tim 's message 

>Dear Seiko Fans,
>The 100,000 yen limited box does not include:
>.Area 62
>.Love & Emotion Vol 1 & 2
>.20th Party
>.Seiko Remixes 2000
>.Seiko Matsuda Remixes
>.Enien no Shojo
>.My Story
>.Sweetest Times
>.Vanity Fair
>.Was it the future
>.Guardian Angel
>.etc . . 
>Why ? Can anyone explain ? 