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Name: Yun <E-mail>
Subject: Re: No news, good news??!!
Date: 2006/09/03 20:46:58
Reference: msg/03986

Hey Margaret,

I check youtube for Seiko regularly too! I must say it is a fantastic place to 
find some of those memorable performances of Seiko.

I cant't get enough of her Daite performace!! There is also a music only 
Dancing Shoes club mix which I find really cool. Anyone knows how I can
get a copy of that??

Thanks. : )


Date:9/1/1998. Margaret 's message 

>Hello everybody,
>It's been over a month that no new message here.
>I search "seiko matsuda" in youtube everyday.  
>There always have surprise of Seiko's video.
>^__^ Those were the days.