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Name: Malthus <E-mail>
Subject: 100,000 yen box set quality
Date: 2006/09/04 20:03:37

Dear Fans,

i found that a cd shop sold the cds separately from the box set. This was the first time i saw it in real. The box is so big as the the cd cover is
reprinted in vinyl record size. However, i was kinda disappointed coz the printing quality is really bad....
i think Sony didn't use the original film for printing. it looks like they just magnify the cd size art work.
How come Sony would release the memorial box set in such bad quality??? 
Recall the DVD premium box set, it was a bit disappointment too... simple cover with no pic, only lyrics are printed in the booklet,
"limited" box set re-produce again...

Sony, please put more effort to make box set like Seiko Suite or Video Bible !!