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Name: Benjamin Lee <E-mail >
Subject: Seiko on TV
Date: 2007/08/22 00:13:49

My cousin said Seiko is starring in one TV drama and
she appeared in Episode 2 & 3.  She says the name of the
drama is 'Flower Sample Boys and Girls'.

For reputable singers, CD single sales is no longer an
important check point on popularity.  Many artists 
whose album reached no. 1 can have singles debut 
outside top 10 or even top 20 in the first week.  
If you are a reader of Oricon Style,
you should know that single and album sales
varies week after week, i.e. this week 
no. 20 if released in the previous week can
land in at no. 10.  

Is Seiko's popularity reducing?  It depends on how you 
view is.  Look at the full audience in the concert hall.
Look at 'Baby's Breath's first week sales up 20% from
'Bless You'.....

However, Seiko is definitely not doing enough campaign.
Look at Akina's 'Enka' with four different versions
including cassette.  The CD hit top 10, and it is likely
that some die hard fans are buying 4 copies (one version
each).  If Seiko does something similar, will fans 
reading this article do the same?

Benjamin Lee