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名前: Fumihiko <E-mail>
題名: Re: またまたカヴァー
日付: 2002/09/17 02:27:45
返答先リンク: msg5/04295



In fact, MIO's cover of "Ruriiro no Chikyuu" is included before.
It's the c/w of her single "Anataniaitai" released on 2002.2.6
But this song will be also included in her new album "Clarify Soul" (2002.10.23)
Anyway, I'm so glad if more and more famous artists sing Seiko's song. ^^ 
This year, as far as I know, there are 5 cover songs of Seiko.
They are...
1.flex life (Sweet Memories) [2002.7.31]
2.Nakashima Mika (Sweet Memories) [2002.11.7]
3.What's Love? (Akai Sweet Pea) [2002.4.10]
4.Nakamori Akina (Ruriiro no Chikyuu) [2002.3.20]
5.MIO (Ruriiro no Chikyuu) [2002.2.6]