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*03/10[Tay Daniel]Happy Birthday to you, SEIKO *03/10[Tay Daniel]And .... *03/10[Mike from S.C.]Re: And .... *03/11[Tim]Re: Hi Daniel Tay *03/11[Sibelobarkoo]What's wrong with them *03/13[Bill]On Seiko's birthday.... *03/13[Yaji]Re: On Seiko's birthday.... *03/18[Yaji]Kevin wrote...? *03/27[Benjamin]New Album w/ Go Hiromi!!!! *03/27[Alvin]Re: New Album w/ Go Hiromi!!!! *03/27[Siu Bee]Seiko Concert Tour 2001 *03/28[Benjamin]Re: Seiko Concert Tour 2001 *03/29[Siu Bee]Re: Seiko Concert Tour 2001 *03/30[Alvin]Who's taht boy *03/31[Benjamin]Re: Who's taht boy *03/31[Alvin]Re: Who's taht boy *03/31[Alvin]Re: Who's taht boy *03/31[Alvin]Re: Who's taht boy *03/31[Tzing]Seiko's Look for 2001 *04/07[Tzing]Re: Seiko's Look for 2001 *04/07[Tim]New Album *04/08[Benjamin]Re: New Album *04/07[Tim]New Singles *04/09[Mike from S.C.]Video the LOVE reaches USA *04/10[Tim]How to buy Seiko Concert 2001 Tickets ? * Deleted *04/12[Tzing]Seiko's CMs and SAYAKA debut *04/12[Bill]Re: Seiko's CMs and SAYAKA debut *04/12[Mike from S.C.]Re: Seiko's CMs and SAYAKA debut *04/12[Sibelo]When I was 14.....
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