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*03/10[Tay Daniel]Happy Birthday to you, SEIKO *03/10[Tay Daniel]And .... *03/10[Mike from S.C.]Re: And .... *03/11[Tim]Re: Hi Daniel Tay *03/11[Sibelobarkoo]What's wrong with them *03/13[Bill]On Seiko's birthday.... *03/13[Yaji]Re: On Seiko's birthday.... *03/18[Yaji]Kevin wrote...? *03/27[Benjamin]New Album w/ Go Hiromi!!!! *03/27[Alvin]Re: New Album w/ Go Hiromi!!!! *03/27[Siu Bee]Seiko Concert Tour 2001 *03/28[Benjamin]Re: Seiko Concert Tour 2001 *03/29[Siu Bee]Re: Seiko Concert Tour 2001 *03/30[Alvin]Who's taht boy *03/31[Benjamin]Re: Who's taht boy *03/31[Alvin]Re: Who's taht boy *03/31[Alvin]Re: Who's taht boy *03/31[Alvin]Re: Who's taht boy *03/31[Tzing]Seiko's Look for 2001 *04/07[Tzing]Re: Seiko's Look for 2001 *04/07[Tim]New Album *04/08[Benjamin]Re: New Album *04/07[Tim]New Singles *04/09[Mike from S.C.]Video the LOVE reaches USA *04/10[Tim]How to buy Seiko Concert 2001 Tickets ? * Deleted *04/12[Tzing]Seiko's CMs and SAYAKA debut *04/12[Bill]Re: Seiko's CMs and SAYAKA debut *04/12[Mike from S.C.]Re: Seiko's CMs and SAYAKA debut *04/12[Sibelo]When I was 14..... *04/14[Benjamin]Re: When I was 14..... *05/02[Rinsuke]Hi,how do you do?! *05/03[Mike from S.C.]"Touch The LOVE" Screensaver on SMF III *05/06[Benjamin]Re: "Touch The LOVE" Screensaver on SMF III *05/06[Mike from S.C.]Re: "Touch The LOVE" Screensaver on SMF III *05/06[Siu Bee]Taiwan 20th Party Live DVD *05/09[Benjamin]Taiwan 20th Party Live DVD & New Single *05/09[Mike from S.C.]Re: Taiwan 20th Party Live DVD & New Single *05/12[Tzing]New release & Seiko you have never seen before.(^^) *05/13[Tzing]Re: New release & Seiko you have never seen before.(^^) *05/14[Yaji]Re: New release & Seiko you have never seen before.(^^) *05/14[takachan]let's talk about it *05/15[Takachan]Please use another name *05/14[Simon]Movie *05/15[Mike from S.C.]More "Technical Difficulties" *05/19[Tim]2001N0620() *05/23[Eric]Sayaka *05/24[Tim]Cover Of New Seiko Album *05/24[Mike from S.C.]Re: Cover Of New Seiko Album *05/26[Benjamin]Re: Cover Of New Seiko Album *05/26[Bill]Re: Cover Of New Seiko Album * Deleted *06/03[SgFan]Seiko's DVD *06/04[Simon]DVD *06/06[Tim]Re: DVD *06/06[SgFan]Re: DVD *06/06[Tim]20 more days to go !!!!! *06/06[Alvin]Re: 20 more days to go !!!!! *06/10[Tzing]Re: 20 more days to go !!!!! *06/10[Benjamin]Re: 20 more days to go !!!!! *06/09[Tim]BIG IN JAPAN *06/09[Tim]Why Japanese singers fail to crack US market *06/10[Benjamin]New Release &DVD *06/11[Yaji]Updates *06/15[Benjamin]Re: Updates - Apple Daily *06/15[Tim]Re: Updates - Apple Daily *06/16[Benjamin]Re: Updates - Apple Daily *06/16[Benjamin]Japanese in US MARKET *06/16[Tzing]The best ever: Seiko's Magic on FUN 6/15 *06/20[Siu Bee]Love & Emotion Vol.1 *06/20[Tim]Re: Love & Emotion Vol.1 * Deleted *06/20[Sibelo]Had a great time last night *06/22[Tim]Love & Emotion Vol.1 Review *06/24[Tzing]Dairy of a SEIKO Day 6/23/2001, Sat. Tokyo *06/24[Tzing]New Single: The story behind a FABULOUS PIECE * Deleted * Deleted *06/24[Tzing]PART III : Did I forget to mention.... *06/24[Tzing]A Talk Session it was as Seiko said it would be... *06/24[Mike from S.C.]L&E and new single arrive in the USA!!! *06/24[Mike from S.C.]L&E and New Single arrive in USA!!! *06/24[Tim]Domo !! *06/24[Tim]To Mike *06/25[Mike from S.C.]Re: To Mike * Deleted *06/27[Tzing]I am just a Wooooooooman *06/27[Tim]Re: I am just a Wooooooooman *06/27[Benjamin]Love and Emotion Vol.1 - Review Part One
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