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*04/06[Yaji]Seiko's new TV commercial "Juku Curry" *04/07[Shopgirl]Re: Not exactly Seiko but close.... *04/06[Sibelobarkoo]Thks a lot Yaji san *04/07[Simon]Young Looking *04/07[Simon]Young Looking *04/07[Shopgirl]April Update *04/07[Benjamin]Re: April Update *04/10[Mike from Berkeley]Re: April Update *04/08[Simon]What am I missing *04/08[Simon]What am I missing *04/08[Siu Bee]Re: What am I missing *04/08[Benjamin]Re: What am I missing *04/09[W]Re: April Update *04/10[Shopgirl]Re: April Update (CORRECTION) *04/09[W]Re: April Update *04/09[Simon]What am I missing *04/09[Simon]What am I missing *04/11[Yaji]Updates *04/11[Siu Bee]Re: Updates *04/13[Benjamin]Re: Updates *04/13[Doogie]To Shopgirl et all * Deleted *04/16[Shopgirl]Re: To Shopgirl et all *04/17[Siu Bee]Re: To Shopgirl et all *04/14[Benjamin]Concert Information *04/16[Benjamin]Seiko-Kitty MME-Akina *04/19[Mike from S.C.]Red & White *04/28[Siu Bee]The legend of idol * Deleted *04/28[Shopgirl]Quick update
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