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Name: Jim Baker <>
Subject: Hello everyone,all Seiko fans,please e-mail me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: 1997/09/02 04:41:03

Hello everyone,
my name is Jim Baker.  I have been a Seiko fan,since on,or about 1980.  I 
wish to meet as many Seiko fans as possiable.  I am a single father,raising
my four year old son,Dakota Baker.
  On September 26th,1997,all of this will change.  As I will be getting 
married to a very beautiful Japanese woman,on my birthday.  We are both die-
hard Seiko fans.  I listen to the Cd,"WAS IT THE FUTURE",nearly every day.
  I have several dreams and wishes.  Would love to have Seiko sing at our
wedding.  I play seven different instruments,as well as sing.  Been writing 
poetry,since the age of 16,I'll be 34 in on my birthday.  My next last wish,
would include two things.  Wouldn't want a dime.  Hope to write a song,or to
sing at least one song with Seiko.
  I am going for a teaching degree,in Computer Science,and Mathematics,and 
Chemistry,at Michigan Technological University.  Plus,I tutor all of the
International students english.  All Seiko fans,you may e-mail me,or even 
write me a snali mail letter.  Or even call if you wish.  My address is 
2010 Woodmar Drive,Houghton Michigan,U.S.A. 1-906-487-4053.  Or send me an 
e-mail at

                                      Domo arigato gozaimasu,
                                            Jim Baker