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Name: Koichi Tasa <Koichi@AAAA.ORG>
Subject: Dear Friend:
Date: 1997/09/10 23:35:05
Reference: mail/00004

Date:9-10. DANIEL TU 's message 

>>Hi!  Can we make a friend?  Email to me please.

Dear Daniel:

Thank you for your e-mail.  It's nice to hear from a new friend.

My name is Koichi (Mr), Japanese, living in New York for 12 years, and a
devoted Seiko fan.  

This is a place where Seiko fans exchange information and make friends.
Please tell us more about yourself, how you came to know Seiko, why you 
like her, etc. 

Do you live in Hong Kong?  If so, can you tell us news about Seiko in Hong
Kong.  Is she popular over there?

Best regards.

Koichi Tasa