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Name: Smiley <>
Subject: Re: New Seiko Fan
Date: 1998/02/04 03:55:11
Reference: mail/00019

Dear Keith:

Welcome to the Seiko Fan's Web Site!.  My name is Smiley - I am Japanese, long-time
Seiko fan, and I live in New York.  If you have questions about Seiko please contact
me or other fans in the "Chat and Message" section.

Unfortunately, I do not know much about dance music in Japan.  But, I think you will
be interested in listening to dance music by Seiko such as:

1) Seiko [1990 US album in English] which contains "All The Way To Heaven," "Who's That Girl" 
2) Was It The Future [1996 US album in English] "Let's Talk About It," "Good For You"
3) Glorious Revolution [1994 Japanese Album] "Back For More" "[I'll Be] There For You"
4) Diamond Expression [1993 Japanese] "Baby Make Love Tonight," "Hot Thing"

Best regards,
