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Name: mike from Berkeley <>
Subject: Red-white contest
Date: 1999/12/17 08:45:09

Thanks Eric for the info and sure it is exciting to hear that seiko is 
appearing this year (after two years of absence :(  )
Over here in Berkeley (Bay Area) the international channel used to 
broadcast the Red-white singing contest on New Year Eve (at least for the last 
three or four years).  This year, judging from the TV schedule posted by that
channel seems to suggest this year they are not going to show the contest.
Now thanks to Eric I feel even more sad because seiko is in the show this year.
Sigh.....maybe I'll have to rent a tape from a Jap Video store when it is available.
Anyone knows if the Red-White singing contest will be shown here in the Bay ARea?

Mike from Berkeley