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Name: Simon
Subject: Lucky
Date: 1999/12/31 01:31:35
Hello Everyone,
I am very happy that Seiko will be in the Red and White show
this year. I am also very lucky because here in Toronto, JVC
sponsors this show as there are a fair number of Japanese
living in Toronto Canada. It is not shown in Hong Kong or
in other Asian countries anymore. I feel very fortunate.
I think the problem with the show is that only the first
hour is interesting as all the young pop stars sing in that
time, after that it is usually older but very good traditional
singers that most people(other than Japanese) cannot identify
with. But for those who are fortunate enough to watch the show,
keep your eyes open at all times because you can catch glimpses
of Seiko. One year I caught dressed in Kimono dancing in the
background when some other Red team member was singing.
I also at this point want to wish everyone a happy New Year,
and don't forget SOF2000.