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Name: Siu Bee <>
Subject: Red White Broadcasting in HK
Date: 2000/01/31 12:05:28

Dear friends,

Yesterday (29 Jan), HK broadcasted Red White.  Although it was cut into
2 hours only, Seiko is still there!  She sang "Sweet Memories" with a
man playing saxphone next to her and a piano background music.  So wonderful,
her voice is as sweet as what you can hear from a CD.

She dressed in a one-piece white dress, with a minimum make-up.  Not as
what she did before!  During ending of the show, she wore the traditional
Japanese dressing, white color background with black balls pattern.  She
was standing in the first line!  Close to MC, very much to the center!
(Only those with high status can be!)

Anyone who missed, please don't miss it again cause TVB will broadcast
the whole (4 hours) version on 4 Feb night.  Detailed will be announced
by TVB later!  {sorry that only those from Hong Kong can see this time;>)

Siu Bee