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Name: Tzing
Subject: Re: Goya & Seiko's new TV program
Date: 2000/02/29 02:22:41
Reference: msg/01408
Hi Simon,
how are you doing? Just wondering, is the Goya LP the
worldwide version or the Japanese version where Seiko
does a duet with Placido?
I know what you mean when you say about your policy.
In 1992, in my first trip to Japan, i found a 8" size
LD of "Seiko Clips 1" or "Crazy For You"(I cannot recall),
adn i didnt buy it!!!! i have never ever seen it again.
In fact not many fans in japan even know of this release.
Arrrrrghhhhhhhh!!!!! (^^;;)
I too felt that the singing style of Seiko
was different from her usual style at that time...of
Strawberry Time..., definitely much more powerful than
the usual sweet singing style characteristic of recordings
before the 1990 "SEIKO" album adn her self-produced ones. (^^)
PS* From April this year, Seiko will have a weekly TV
program on music and entertainmnet. Her co-host is a
18-year old going to be super-hot idol (guy).... !!!!
(Thanks Alvin for the news)
While it si great that the younger generation will get to
know of Seiko when they tune in to watch the young guy,
but let us hope that they will learn of her music and not
treat her as the young man's motherly or sisterly figure!!!!!