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Name: Siu Bee
Subject: Re: Goya & Eternal Mind
Date: 2000/03/07 11:07:42
Reference: msg/01415
Hi Benjamin,
There is Chinese translations for the song names for "Forever Girl"
Album. They are printed on the back cover. However, I don't know
if they also have the translations for lyrics because I didn't
buy the HK Version. Of course, every time the Japanese version is
better! (having more songs and photos)
Siu Bee
Date:3/6/1998. Benjamin 's message
>Dear All,
>Doogie, thanks.
>If anybody knows where to find Goya - CD English and
>Japanese version,pls. tell us.
>If it is out of print, can somebody copy for me in MD?
>I heard from fans that the HK version of Eternal Mind
>has no Chinese translation! Is it true? :< :< :<