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Name: Eric <>
Subject: Zepp video
Date: 2000/03/31 02:21:51

Hi Tzing, Siu Bee, Doogie and everybody

Tzing, what do you mean by 'Sad' about the DVD packaging? Is the LD 
much better? If yes, please tell us in what way? How much is the LD? I
guess it is the same, right?

I found the DVD too pricey, almost CAD$100, compared to the movies 
DVD around $20-30 range. I know it's like comparing apples to oranges.
I used to spend that much for Seiko's LDs in Hong Kong. Just when you
are in Canada, everything from Japan suddenly seems so expensive. :-)

It's great to hear about the Carpenters/Seiko news. Once again Seiko's
star power as well as singing skill were approved by international,
world class musician. Before Richard Carpenter, there were 
Domingo (world class tenor), Phil Ramone (world class music producer) who
openly endorsed Seiko for her voice/singing skill. Did I miss out 
anyone? I am sure there are more. Please fill me in for this.   
