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Name: Sg Fan
Subject: Re: Seiko's Anniversary on April 1st, 2000
Date: 2000/04/06 17:50:49
Reference: msg/01448
Hi Tzing and everyone!
Any idea what songs will be included in this compilation? Any special features
besides the DVD?
Actually I hope that Sony will re-issue some of Seiko's earlier videos
(80's to early 90s) on DVD. Are they thinking of doing that? I started late on the collection of LDs and the earliest title I've got is the "Glorious Revolution" concert. It is also very difficult to get her LDs here in Singapore.
Sg Fan
Date:4/6/1998. Tzing 's message
>Hello everyone,
>here's more reasons to stock up cash...!!! (^^;;;)
>Coming releases
>1. "Seiko Suite" by Sony, 16000yen
> this contains 6 CDs of Seiko songs categorised by composers
> plus 1 DVD of somehting. It will also include some previously
> unreleased stuffs.
>2. 3 Maxi singles, by Sony
> titles are "Taisetsu na anata" "Kakowarete Aijing" and "Sweet Pea"
>3. New single and album in May, by Mercury
> new single is fast tempo
>4. Another single to follow, by Mercury
> this one is rumoured to be a Seiko-Ryo combi, mid tempo.
>Happy (belated) 20 Anniversary Seiko!
>And of course, there will be the Japan Tour concert