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Subject: seiko will go taiwan in MAY,2000 again
Date: 2000/04/09 22:50:38
HI! everbody, how are you ? i am very bsuy in this
Two month,i was only saw the seiko news in this web site ,
i have happy to see that a mamy seiko's fan to report the
news in here.
on the 08/04 i saw taiwan net newspaper said that"seiko
will interest to go to taiwan again on may , this tour
will promoting her new album and may take overseas concert
tour in taiwan or sinapore before japan tour .
At least, i have a guestion ,waht is the relationship
about seiko ,universal record & avex music are now?
BECAUSE i heard seiko will residence to avex music in last
year , but now she still in universal, why???