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Name: Yaji <>
Subject: Secret web site?
Date: 2000/04/24 17:52:58

Hi Tzing, Takachan and everyone,

I found a web site where you can enjoy Seiko's latest photos secretly(?)...

The web site says on the main page that...
for those who can't or failed to watch Seiko's TV shows,
the web site "Tenshi(/Angel) Matsuda Seiko" here will introduce them...

Seiko's recent photos:
- TV-Asahi music program "music-enta" on April 19:

- NHK music program "Futari no Big Show" on April 21:

And in another corner, for those who love the early Seiko in her 80's...
- Gallery "Kaze Tachinu" Collection:

Coming soon:
- TV-Asahi music program "music-enta" on April 26
- NHK program "Studio-park kara Konnichiwa (Part1: Kono Hito ni Aitai)" on April 27
- Fuji-TV music program "Music Fair" on April 30...

Yaji from F.B.Tokyo

Thank you, the webmaster HK-san of the "Tenshi Matsuda Seiko". (^^)

But I wonder if Takachan know the web site and the webmaster...?
Anyway, Seiko's photos "Seiko appearance on Music Enta(TV)" here arranged by Takachan
are also very good, maybe including some photos shown on the preview program(?)...
Thanks, Takachan!!(^^)v