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Name: Mike from S.C.
Subject: Was "Seiko Suite" really CANCELLED by Sony?
Date: 2000/06/25 11:02:49
Hi Everyone,
I just got a call from the San Jose Kinokuniya store...I had asked them to hold
a copy of "Seiko Suite" when it came in. The person who called orders all of
the CDs for the store, and was told by his distributor that the release has
He also said that if I could provide any additional information contradicting
the cancellation he'd try to reorder it...but has anyone else heard this?
They will be getting the Polygram album as planned, but I had to special order
"20th Party" and "Unseasonable Shore" because they had no plans to order it as
part of their regular stock.
Here's hoping the distributor is wrong...