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Name: Siu Bee <>
Subject: Re: Seiko Fans in HK!
Date: 2000/06/27 19:52:54
Reference: msg/01513

Hi Bemjamin,

I noticed it when I found someone checking Seiko's stuffs at Sino Centre!
Also, as the fast sold-out rate for "Shanghai Love Song" and "Unseasonable
Shore", that's the answer to numbers of Seiko Fans.

I remembered some how when Seiko was having bad times, people always
said she had this or that limited amount of fans.  This is really no true
when we got these kinds of fact to support!

Too bad the girl you saw was not me! (^_^)

But somehow when you see someone driving a red car playing Seiko's songs, that's
me! (^_^)

Siu Bee