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Name: Mike From S.C. <>
Subject: Re: new DVD
Date: 2000/07/03 16:22:30
Reference: msg/01521

Hi Simon and everyone,

According to CD Japan ( thre will be a DVD released on
July 5th called "Video Bible: Best Hits Video History"...Sony catalog number
SRBL-1066, 4935 yen. If you go to the CD Japan web site and type "Seiko Matsuda"
in the search section you can read a more complete description.

Got a call from the manager at Kinokuniya again today...still saying that the
box set has been cancelled...I told him that if I see a posting here from 
someone who's bought it, he can accept that as proof that it hasn't been 

Also, the 20th Party CD came in late Friday night at Kinokuniya, as well as the
Unseasonable Shore have been posted on SMF, hope you enjoy them.

Best regards,


Date:7/3/1998. Simon 's message 

>Hello Everyone,
>My friend in HK tells me that there is a new DVD out, 
>he saw it on the HMV website. It is maybe a collection 
>of videos like the Bible. Does anyone know about this?