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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: Re: B'z 's new no1 single smashe up Seiko
Date: 2000/07/21 00:22:03
Reference: msg/01547

Hi Seiko Fans,

It's OK.  Nobody can be No.1 forever.
What's important is the unity of Seiko Fans
around the world.  Let's continue to buy 
Seiko's records.  Sorry for saying the
same thing over and over again.  I used to just
purchased the albums and not the singles between 
92 and 95, saving money to buy other singers' 
records.  The result is simple.  If all of us 
buy less of Seiko's records, Seiko's will release
less record.  If sales of Seiko's record is less
and less, record company will not invest in her 
music.  I am sure all Seiko fans want to hear new
songs year after year and the way to make this 
happen is to have people buying her records, 
especially our CORE SEIKO FANS!

What's more important is I don't buy Seiko records 
just because it is Seiko.  I buy it because I like 
her music very much.  My commitment is to continue
to buy her NEW singles and albums.  I hope other
fans will do that too.


Benjamin :>  :>  :>