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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: VERY Interesting Web Copyright Development
Date: 2000/08/08 02:20:07

Hi Everyone,

As you may know, SOMEBODY...we don't know who...has purchased and registered
the URL ""

It might be Seiko, it might be someone who saw far enough into the future to
think that if he/she purchased the domain name they could sell it back to Seiko
for a small fortune if she ever decided to have an "official" Web Site.

A landmark decision has been reached in which the U.S. courts ruled in favor of
the late, legendary guitarist Jimi Hendrix. Someone registered the domain name
""...and Hendrix's family took this individual to court. The 
judge ruled in the family's favor and ordered the registered owner to relinquish
the domain name to the Hendrix family.

WHICH MEANS that if someone out there owns ""...with NO
intention of ever building a Web Site...with their ONLY interest being a sale
to the "highest bidder"...they might be in for a very unpleasant surprise. If 
Seiko ever wants the name, SHE CAN HAVE IT...for free.

The Hendrix story is on CNET if you'd like to check it out:,4586,2612400,00.html?chkpt=zdhpnews01

As Webmaster of SMF, my feeling is that "" should be the home of
an "official" Web Site that appropriately celebrates her amazing 20 year career,
and not an "investment opportunity" for someone who could care less about Seiko
as an artist or a person.

Best regards,
