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Name: Mike from S.C.
Subject: Seiko Suite (FINALLY) Arrives in USA!
Date: 2000/08/12 08:41:45
Hi everyone,
I got the call from Kinokuniya today, and they were able to get Seiko Suite.
It's a little more expensive than the online sites ( and,
but if you're one of those people like me...who's never been 100% comfortable
with on-line's an option.
I've not heard much about the DVD, so I don't know if it's zoned for all countries...
but even if it is, I don't have a DVD player right now so it will be sitting in
the box for a while...:-(
In other Seiko news...I missed the July issue of "Mine" magazine at Kinokuniya
but found it at Tower Records, of all places...these are some of the BEST photos
I've seen of Seiko...she looks very relaxed, natural, easily the equal of the
superb "Fujinjoron" and "Voce" pics. I've posted two on SMF...there are ten in
the set, and I'm sure I'll be posting the remainder over time.
Best regards,