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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko's DVD
Date: 2000/08/29 04:00:33
Reference: msg/01577

Hi Benjamin,

I know next to nothing about DVD, but I have Seiko Suite and will be getting a 
new PC In the next two weeks with a DVD drive (which probably will not be able
to play the Seiko Suite disc because of its encoding).


Just thought I'd mention that "Sweet Evil," starring Seiko, has shown up on a 
number of different on-line DVD Web Sites. Here's one: (I know nothing about 
this vendor, never purchased from them, just found them in a search on HotBot):

There's also the new Video Bible-Best Hits Video History, which is available 
from CD Japan ( They are charging $46 US Dollars. I
feature CD Japan on the "Where To Buy Seiko's Music" page on SMF. I've never
purchased from them...because I live 3 miles from the San Jose Kinokuniya...but
I have heard recommendations from other Seiko fans.

Those are the only other Seiko DVDs I know of...

Best regards,


Date:8/28/1998. Benjamin 's message 

>I've got a DVD player.  Can somebody tell me what's available
>on Seiko's DVD besides Zepp tour, 96-98 and Seiko Suite?