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Name: Tzing
Subject: Re: It's a bit of Magic and lots of money (^^).
Date: 2000/09/06 23:00:44
Reference: msg/01586
Hi Doogie,
Yep you are right about the "Magic of Seiko Live"...
but you may have to double at least a few times what you could feel from Simon
and my reports... the last concert of the tour on the 30th Aug was simply
spectacular...3 hours it was. but it was also a show that resulted from all
the "fine-tuning" and adhoc happenings experienced throughout the entire tour.
For eg, at the first show, the part with Harada was odd. Coz the fans did not
knwo how to respond, and vice versa too. Adn poor Seiko had to be the middle
party to try set up the mood for both sides...(hahahha). At some pooint, I felt
that it disrupted the flow of the live that it was difficult to bring it ot a
high climax which otherwise might have been. It was odd as the fans could not
initally get into the usual act of talking to Seiko as there was a guest present
after all, and it woudl rude to simply ignore him...(^^;;) whihc in the end
was definitely a good thing that Harada become part of us all.
but when it got beyond Yokohama shows, and then... at the charity concert in
the woods! wah-lah... the blend of Harada's fans to Seiko and us to him, and
Seiko with Harada adn vice versa was in tune! (^^)...., their teasing of
each other too. (^^) We fans knew how to respond
And the additional impromtu harmony of the two performers became a standard
half-way through the tour.... and one suprising act by Seiko in doing a mimic
of Harada with one of Seiko's fav Harada's song.
Unfortunately, all these will not be in the Live Video as it was taken so early
in the tour. I think Yokohama was the 4th show of the tour....(^^;;;)
Part of the MAGIC OF SEIKO LIVE is to see and hear Seiko of course, as well as
Seiko and her Fans. Simon is absolutely right about the fans part. (hey you are
one too Simon...:P) But it is a totally another level of mystique when you have
the chance to follow the tour for a month or so....
My recommendation? SAVE LOTS OF MONEY (^^;;;) Never think of anything Seiko
that is one-time off....(haha!) It is never enough... I have been to three in
a row.... and there si MAGIC everywhere. (no, I am not the extreme...the vocals
and the rapport with the fans is just incredible...)
There were two male dancers too. One is Seki who is in the Bible LD. and the
other is a new guy called Komine. There is no doubt that Seki is one class up.
>It is almost as
>if I was there myself.......and one day I will be there....for sure!
We cant wait! (^^)
Each I see the show, I want to write everything down...but MAGIC OF SEIKO LIVE
is MAGIC so nothing can come close to describing accurately enough...(sigh).
It is just the same feelign why a Seiko fan or yourself feel a certain closeness
to Seiko, adn the special "relationship" as being a Seiko fan.
It is more than a song....
I will tyr to write some of hte things that was said during the concerts in my
next posting.
Tzing, impatiently in wait for the day of "Doogie's arrival at Budokan" (^^)