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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Does anyone have a clue? Someone, please un-puzzle me...
Date: 2000/09/07 00:42:05
Reference: msg/01583

Dear All,

Thanks everybody for the update!!!!  I will buy the DVD.

RAIN is definitely a great song. However, '20th Party' is definitely the first pick for a song with an 'anniversary' theme.  I guess 'Shanghai Love Song' has to be the next pick as she is determined to enter the Greater China market.  I think she is more popular in Taiwan than in HK as evidenced by the Taiwan version of '20th Party' (seen in  By the way, anybody seen it for sale in HK?  'Unseasonable Shore' is a very westernised song.  So you see, they intentionally pick a 'party' song, a 'Chinese' song and a 'Western' song for the celebration .

Nowadays, only two type of songs can hit it big in Japan.  The songs by the superact (Bz, Hikaru Utada...etc) and the TV theme songs.  I don't see 'Rain' has hit potential if it is not being released as a TV theme song.  All in all, 'Rain' is SUPER but too 'PLAIN' to hit it big.  But it is OK.  'Jikan Ryoko' from Supreme isn't a single either, but I think all Seiko fans love it.

I am waiting for the Go Hiromi duet, are you?  Any news w/ Richard Carpenter?

