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Name: Tzing <E-mail>
Subject: Re: The Duet Song "True Love Story"
Date: 2000/09/15 00:58:20
Reference: msg/01595

Hello Yaji adn everyone,

Special thanks to Yaji (aren't you going to translate the chorus part too? hee hee)
for the is some more info

Go Hiromi in his concert admitted that 
(1) Seiko was the first and only person whom he thought he coudl and would do the duet with
(2) They did the recordign of the song together and he was all there with  Seiko
as she sang her part

As the song was a Go Hiromi initiative, that it is a Sony (his label) release... 
adn partly coz only the chorus has been heard, the overall feelign of the song is
(1) the single is more of Hiromi Go with Seiko than a duet
(2) the ballad is not much of a Seiko's standard ballad ...more like Waltz Disney's 
"The Beauty and the Beast" kind
(3) The voice combination and harmony loses much to the HArada Shinji adn Seiko
combination in "Natsu no Monogatari" in 20th Party album

Other info include
(1) The song is more than 5min
(2) Recordign began in June
(3) there is a promo video with both of them in it
(4) there are some very "hot&in" producers involved in this track

....after hearing the chorus only (maybe too short to make any worthy comments)
I am lookin forward to the Richard Carpenter duet, adn hoping for a surprise 
single cut release of the Harada adn Seiko duet "Natsu no Monogatari" instead.
