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Name: Tzing <E-mail>
Subject: Single and album release on Sept 27th
Date: 2000/09/19 23:13:20

Hello Mike and everyone,
That is where you can see the gorgeous jacket cover, and listen to the 
new single as well as the coupling songs. (^^)

The new album due for release on the same date 27th Sept (analogue 4th
Oc) by Mercury 6 tracks at crazy 3000yen price was critised
by fans for a cheapoo looking illustration type jacket cover...(^^;;;)
More about the single

The promotion from Sony is smart as useful.
The catch phrase is Seiko's words she used during the announcement of
the breakup 15 years ago. 

Briefly translated, it is 

" ... "In my (our) next life"'s been 15years since we heard that
phase. At last, finally the arrival of The Duet we had all been hoping for.
It all began at a particular TV studio which brought the two by chance to
an unplanned reunion meeting. Wanting to have something memorial of value
before the end of the 20 Century, Hiromi Go proposed which Seiko Matsuda
graciously accepted. In the middle of their tight schedules, recording,..
and the music video clip was completed. Come this October, at this place,
this work will be revealed." 

Other infor includes (with some personal comments ^^;;;)
1. Karaoke for the two songs are ready to hit the market which is a good
sign in a karaoke-craze JP,...with special mention and write-up to promote it.

2.The Wacoal Underwear CM to which the single is being used, has been 
pretty aggressive in their airtime on TV. As you can hear from the samples,
Seiko's vocals do outshine Go's a little .... the two songs are indeed outstanding. 
I think this is the only time that i actually thought that Hiromi
Go's voice was listenable! (apologies to any Go's fans out there...:P)

3.Today, the papers and TV media highlighted that the jacket cover was finally
revealed! Actually, the back pic is really gorgeous... I like that even more.

4.Some Go fans have written in the Seiko HPs that they too were excited over 
the release and that they all applauded at the vocals of Seiko's.

5. The music video will be played on the 22 Sept

I think that is about all...

Lastly, dinnershow tickets for Tokyo 17-19 Dec will be on sale in late Oct.
And I am going back to listen to "RAIN".... (^^)
