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Name: Siu Bee <E-mail>
Subject: Something about while cover taking
Date: 2000/09/20 13:00:27

Dear Tzing and Alvin,

Thank you very much for your news about the new releases!

Long time no see, Alvin (^_^)

Today, Apply daily has a news about Seiko and Go's single.  It mentioned that
the song had drawn most of the attention while people watching the CM. (Of
course la!)

On the other hand, although the songs are so sweet for lovers, this seems
only restrict to the lyrics only.  While they were taking the photos for
the covers, they didn't hold or touch each other as they wanted to show
they both already have their own family, so they must keep a distant between
each other!

Another good thing observed is: this newspaper used to put bad words after
Seiko, but now it starts to say more about her performance and career instead.

I play many many times a day these 2 songs!!  Really great!

Siu Bee