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Name: Tzing <E-mail>
Subject: Breath-taking Seiko, Music Video Clip and song "True Love Story"
Date: 2000/09/22 23:28:21

Hello everyone,

As expected, all wide-show programs were centered around the much anticipated
music video clip of "True Love Story". Most (boring) talk were on whether it 
was filmed separately, how many minutes (1 min 27sec!) both actually appeared 
together in a same frame of the 5 min plus clip, how there was not even one shot
of direct eye contact between them, etc...(sigh)

Soon enough a survey was also made, and public opinion is mostly if not all
positive. Most talked about how surprised they were by the announcement of the
duet and how well-taken the clip was, ...and that they were impressed by how
Go and Seiko were able to put behind everything to do this two songs now that
they each have their own lives..., etc

The clip is really very well-done, tastefully and respectfully too. Even without
all the hoo-hah about them being ex-lovers, "True Love Story" and its music clip
is one of very high calibre which I have not seen in the JP music industry. 
Accordingly, there will also be a music clip for the other song (which is not a 
coupling song as I had mistaken, both are promoted as A-side) "Unforgettable
Last Kiss"....I can't wait for it. In JP, good quality duets or duets on the 
whole is quite scarce. I think with this single, JP may have found a duet golden
couple or set a new trend to producing great duet songs.

The songs and the clip are so good that even if it wasn't Seiko, I would have
given it a mention. After all these years, I think this is the first which if
shown worldwide, people would not look at it as something from JP but rather a
masterpiece, a classic love song. I can't wait for the second clip and the duet
with Richard Carpenter. It was almost as if that you would enjoy this
and having Seiko in it is a super duper big plus... 
Of course I would think the effect would be halved had not it been delivered 
through SEiko's vocals. She has that effect, and I needn't elaborate more.
It needs no convincing.

You can download parts of the clip at
And see pictures of the rest of it at

Seiko looked really beautiful, and I hope that this song and the other too,
which rightly should gain high sales just based on its quality alone, would give
Seiko more exposure ... and that more people would get to hear the vocals and
the beauty of Seiko, as one of the most gifted vocalist of our time.

The only unfortunate thing is that this single is considered more of a Go Hiromi
song...probably coz it is his initation and released under Sony label. So when 
I ordered it, Go Hiromi was the name I wrote as the artiste, (^^;;) something 
which I would never find myself doing... (^^;;)

This is a single and two songs worth you guys searching the MP3 through the 
Internet for WHILE waiting for your special CD mail order to arrive.
