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Name: Siu Bee
Subject: A "late" news about 20th Party ~ by Asian Reporters
Date: 2000/09/27 13:05:39
Dear all,
The following URL talks about Seiko's 20th Party (Ablum & Live)~ sorry for
the English reading fans, it's in Chinese
It mentioned Seiko's 20 years career as a singer, is now going to diversify
to cover more areas, such as chairing TV show. The cover of her latest album
"20th Party" is so pretty and it tells that "I am still very beautiful".
Also, the 20th Party MTV will show many different beautiful looks (I am looking
forward to see it) and the other hit song "Shanghai love song" is featured with
Mardarin lyrics "Oriental Pearl" and "HaHoi Road". After the live, she was
interviewed by Asian reporters which showed that her brightness is going to
shine over all the Asian countries.
You can also express your feeling about your favourite album there.
Siu Bee