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Name: Mike From S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: True Love Stroy
Date: 2000/11/13 16:28:24
Reference: msg/01673

Hi Siu Bee, Benjamin, and everyone...

Forever..hmmmm...well, I named my Web Site "Seiko Matsuda Forever" for a few
reasons. First, it made a simple and complete statement about Seiko's music,
its "staying power," and the loyalty and friendship I experienced by knowing
her fans right here in Taka-san's Seiko Fan Forum.

Another reason was that the "Forever" album meant many different things to me.
The song that inspired me to create my Web Site was "Angel." I've told the 
story before, but "Dear Mom and Dad" was the first song I heard that really
touched me, followed by "Believe In Love" and "Eien No Shima"...but when I 
heard "Angel" I was stunned. It's natural to ask the question "how could she
ever top this song?" Seiko's credit...she didn't try. "Gone With The Rain" was a change of 
pace, but the "Forever" album, for me, was remarkable. It came at a time when
the emphasis shifted from the makeup, the wigs, the dancers...all of the 
external things you don't experience when you listen to the music
a more "real" Seiko. It wasn't a "carbon copy" of anything she'd done before.
It was fresh, it was vital, it was "familiar" and "sounded like Seiko" without
being a pale imitation of past glories.

The beginning of "Forever Live"...Seiko strumming the guitar...what a contrast
to the big production numbers. It opened the door for the Zepp concert and all
of the special, intimate moments of the last few years. It was a new beginning,
a turning point in her career.

I also have special memories of "Koisuri Omoi ~Fall In Love~." It reminds me
of a time, coincidentally, that I fell in love. Right to the bottom of my
"kokoro." It wasn't meant to be...but when I hear the song I can see her face
and hear her voice and I always hope that wherever she might be at that moment, 
she's happy and living the life that's right for her. 

Everyone has their favorites...every song has a special meaning to someone, 
and there are songs that you or I might hear that go into the "OK, but nothing 
special" category. But I take Seiko's career "as a whole"...yes,
there are high points along the way, many of them...but I like to think that 
the "Best of Seiko" might be the music she hasn't even recorded yet...:-)

Best regards,
