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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Japanese Seiko Web Sites in Netscape 6
Date: 2000/11/21 09:40:46

Hi Everyone,

Even though I've read that Microsoft Internet Explorer has 85% of the browser market, I use both IE and Netscape at home and work. Since I design Web pages,
I need to do that so I'll know what my work will look like on both platforms.

ANYWAY...for those of you who speak / read limited Japanese...or if you visit any
Web Sites not written in your native language...I tested a new function in 
Netscape 6 that I'd like to tell you about. I think that Seiko fans are going to
LOVE this one...:-)

It's a feature called "Gist." It gives you the general meaning of a Web page from
one language to another. I tested the ZDNet Japan Web Site. You copy the URL
of the page that you'd like to translate, then select "translate" from the "View"
pull-down menu in Netscape. This takes you to the GIST Web Site. You then enter
the URL for the page you want to translate, and the "from" and "to" languages...
in my case, from Japanese to English.

IT WORKS! It reloaded the ZDNet page in my browser window and about 99% of the 
text appeared in English! Not the perfect, literal, word-for-word translation but
enough to let you understand the general meaning of the page.

Think of the fun you'll have testing this on the Japanese Seiko Sites...:-) And 
I'm thrilled that my friends around the world can view my "Seiko Matsuda Forever"
site in different languages, too! It may not work with every site, depending on
how the page was created...but the first one I tested worked great.

Best regards,
