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Name: Tzing <E-mail>
Subject: Glimpse of Seiko in the Net
Date: 2000/11/25 00:36:11

hi everyone,
you can catch seiko at this URL. The second button under her pix gives 
better streaming quality.

Today was the half an hour show of Seiko in FUN by NTV station. She sang
"Akai Sweet Pea" "Daite" "Sweet Memories" "Night of Miracles" and "The Sound of
Fire". I love the outfit theme she used for "The Sound of Fire" and the way she
moves with the song. It carries a brand new taste and direction of her music 
and style of performance. Like we always know in us, that even though she 
suprises us another great piece of work...we know that the best is yet to come
coz with her, it always get better.(^^)

To give a hint, it is a more "action" version of Forever in the Forever Live. (^^)

In the talk session, she spoke about how she used to be so afraid of the composer
of Kazetachinu coz he was so strict always, ...very picky about how the songs 
that he wrote was to be delivered. She remembered how he would at the studio, 
called Seiko up up to the piano first and made her rehearse over before actual
recording. When the MCs asked her to name her "best" top three strictest 
producer she ever had. She name him #3, #2 and #1 !!! The talk basically 
circled around the musicians she had met over the years. 
Another episode that was touched upon was Michael Jackson. Apparently, Seiko
met Jackson at the recording studio for the first time. He had a phyton with him
and he laid it round Seiko as he greeted each other...and scared her out of her wits! 
Lastly, she was also asked about the duet with Go Hiromi whom she for the first 
time, talked about. She said that she alwasy thought it was unfortunate that she
or both of them could nto even say a Hi how are you? when they meet coz of the 
hype that the media would overdo everytime. She said that even for any of us 
when we meet an Ex- it is very natural that we just say hello... and she wished
that she could do the same too.

That is all
Ps. thanks Eric for the preview (^^)v