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Name: Tzing <E-mail>
Subject: Re: More PopJam
Date: 2000/12/04 12:38:38
Reference: msg/01715

Hi Simon

I thought you didn't watch the entire program when you left out in your review
of Judy&Mary's Sweet Memories at the end of the show. (^^) That was certainly
the question about that.

>But this is the case with a lot of other Jpop stars,
>or any famous persons and they usually admit it 
>when they end up on the same show as Seiko. 
It is true. You could see the expression on her face when Seiko went closer
to her and held her on her back as they sang. The band members seemed to have 
had a wonderful time too. It was almost like Seiko has come to a stage in her 
career as well as in her lifetime, when the younger generation of singers (and
those whose careers had been inspired by Seiko) are looking up to her as a
singer to be. It is exactly what we as fans have been talkign about and waiting 
for... that the singer Seiko be seen and not media-creation-Seiko.

I have pointed out before, there isn't any singers in Japan who other celebrities,
singers etc, outwardly acclaimed that Seiko was their inspiration and that they hold
great respect for her, as a person as a singer. Other recent "confessors" include
Hamazaki Ayumi, and Hirai Ken,  

Shinji was
>doing the guitar solo, he wrote the song. Needless to say
>Seiko dominated air time in this show. 
It woudl be unforgiveable otherwise... hahahaa

>with the hosts, I don't know the name of the singer in
>F-Blood, but he has done many TV shows and duet with
>Seiko, most memoriable is singing Endless Love(Diana Ross song)duet.
That was the famous brother duo from Checkers.
They and Seiko came from the same small town and they recalled how proud and
excited they were when they had each made a household name of their town in
Japan with their fame. Even now, whenever they meet they would break into their dialect.

On Sweet Memories again, yesterday in Music Fair, Yamazaki Masatoshi (??) did 
a guitar only version with 2 other musicians...(^^)

Question: Is it true that posters are given out with purchase of new ablum LOVE 
in Hong Kong?