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Name: Benjamin <E-mail>
Subject: Reason for singing 'Missing You'
Date: 2000/12/16 00:34:48
Reference: msg/01741

Dear Friends,

After purchasing the 'Love' CD, I am more convinced to have Seiko singing 'Missing You' in the Red and White.  There is a short
message to each set of songs, i.e. duets w/ Go Hiromi, project w/
Richard Carpenter, and 'Missing You' etc.  'Missing You' is no 
doubt the biggest hit in Seiko's 20th year of singing career.  
She is going to be presented in the Red and White as a singer 
celebrating her 20th year in the business, and 'Missing You' is 
definitely the most appropriate song to highlight her singing 
career.  We can also say if Seiko is asked to sing one song
to represent her achievement in the music business, 'Missing You' 
is the first choice.

It is also possible that if NHK wants to ensure high rating, 
'Missing You' is a sure bet.  It is possible that in this 
case Seiko does not have a choice.

Going back to the "Love" CD, I just can't say how good the songs
are chosen, i.e.Watashi dake no angel, Akai sweet pea.  Some of 
them are not selling like her biggest hits in the 80s, but are
equally great (and greater than the past no.1 hits).
Listening to 'Kanashimi no Boat'reminded us that this time
last year she had this beautiful ballad to tell us that she's
back and back in the Red and White. This year's 'busy' schedule
of release is exactly what her fans are waiting for.  Richard
Carpenter's message is so touching.......

We were playing 'Kanashimi no Boat' last year, and 'Sound of
Fire' this year.  The latter is so energetic and reveals to us
that Seiko is still 'alive' and ready to bring us more and 
different type of music in the coming century.

I wish other fans are equally satisfied with the 'Love' and 
'Sound of Fire' release like me.  We must be all waiting for 
the Red and White, but too bad that the HK fans have to wait
for another month to be able to watch the show.

I would love to hear other fans comments on 'Love' and 'Sound of 
