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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Upcoming Anniversary...Maybe
Date: 2000/12/29 09:01:36

Hi everyone,

January 3rd will be the two-year anniversary of Seiko Matsuda Forever. I
just spoke with tech support at Geocities / Yahoo and was informed that the
problem that caused me to be unable to update the site since December 18th...
their File Manager upgrade...will (tentatively) be resolved on January 2nd.

The problem is supposedly affecting approx. 5% of their customers. A
major, major engineering problem. A mess that they've been working on for a 
week and a half, and it still hasn't been fixed.

I intend to have a special post on SMF for January 3rd, but if the issue is not
resolved by then, I wanted to thank all of you here for your support of SMF.
The site WILL be updated as soon as possible...the files that are out there now
are all OK and you can still view them as usual, I just can't add or change
anything till the problem is fixed by Yahoo.

Best Regards
