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Name: Tzing <E-mail>
Subject: Divorce press conference (translation)
Date: 2001/01/08 21:18:22

Hi Siu Bee, Alvin, Simon, Doogie and all,

OKay, here is the over-due translation of the 15min press conference held a 
month ago. I guess rather than reading an article about thru the eyes of the 
media, it would make more sense and relevance if I translated the contents 
from the exact words used by Seiko. There was a record of 400 photographers,
and 25-30 TV camera sets. Even Seiko herself was surprised. She unconsciously 
let out a Japanese version of "Wow" which was captured by one TV station.

Q. What was the reason for divorce?
A. On my hand my husband has the intention to continue his studies in US, 
   and on the other, I have my daughter here... it was in reality difficult.
   The divorce was probably prompted by my letter, I wanted to discuss how we
   could live our lives from now on, as a family in a more stabled environment.

Q. When was it that the idea of pursuing education in US began?
A. Not when we got married... shortly after that.

Q. When was the divorce decided?
A. AFter one half, two years. It was because I understood my husband's 
   intention after a year and a half.

Q. And you thought this arrangement(living separately) was impossible for you?
A. It wasn't a question of any party not being able to accept that. Rather, I
   was concerned and wanted to talk about how we could live with lesser
   uncertainties in our future.

Q. But we thought that both of you had originally the intention of expanding 
   into the States.
A. That wasn't the reason that we got married.

Q. Didn't you also have the intention to try out in the STates?
A. It has been my husband's dream all along to further his studies there, ...
   but I didn't have the intention to stay there (US) all my life.

Q. So the divorce is indeed finalised?
A. It was a mutual decision. What is left is just the documentation.

Q. Was there thought of trying to live in US?
A. To live as a family together was the initial plan. We bought over our daughter
   and even have her try out the school. But she preferred Japan.

Q. Was it that your daughter could not accept your husband?
A. Hatano-san has been very loving to my daughter. It was that they could get
   along or that they didn't responded to each other. But I guess when I returned
   to Japan for work, there might have been a little hesitance or awkardness 
   when it is just the two of them around.

Q. Harada Shinji was rumoured to be the reason for divorce.
A. I have to apologise to him for all this. We got to know each other solely  
   through work. He is my producer, has written several songs for me, He is very
   talented and has given me lots of advices too.

Q. So, this time round the divorce was more a result of giving priority to work?
A. No, it wasn't a choice over work. To have a common dream, and to pursue them
   together is a good thing. I too, wanted to do that just as much. BUt sometimes,
   reality and factors make it a little difficult to do so.

Q. Didn't you want to work in the States too?
A. Actually alot of my work schedule has all along been in Japan, my summer Tour,
   my dinnershows, etc. With regards to workign in the States, my stance has been
   I dont limit that only to America, I welcome all opportunities. To base
   everything only in America woudl be difficult.
Q. Then, was HaradaShinji a big influence in having you focus in work in Japan?
A. With regards to Harada-san, my manager made the contact with his management.
   It was only because thru work that we had so much time together. And I am
   apologetic that that had led to rumours circulating about Harada-san.

Q. But there were articles saying that you woudl be his bride..
A. Definitely not. I want to apologise to his wife, his family, and to Harada-san 
   himself for this complications.

Q. Do you see Harada-san as a guy?
A. I see him more as a co-worker, a very talented artist.

Q. But there were rumours saying that you two had a night together at the Sapporo
   Dinnershow hotel.
A. Definitely impossible. It's practically flawed. My every movement is watched.
   And if you had done so, you woudl know too. How did this come about? I, would
   like to know the answers.

Q. You seem to have many incidents of love?
A. I am also human. Thus, as I live my life, I am sure to encounter the many
   events thatlife brings us. I know that all of you look at me in a different
   light, but as I am also human, I think it is normal and I do not think that 
   I am any different.

Q. What did Sayaka say?
A. She said, " so long as you will be happy..."

Q. What is the conditions of divorce (alimony)?
A. At this moment, nothing.

Q. Hatano-san's tuition fees are paid by Seiko-san, right?
A. Er... yes. We were husband and wife, we do what we can to help each other.

Q. Any message for Hatano-san?
A. In any case, I hope that he will put all his energy to chase his dream.

phew! that was quite a loadful. I am glad it was only 15 minutes.. hee heee
Towards the end, as Seiko was getting off the platform she stood to get out of
the big hall, one other TV station managed to squeeze another question to 
Seiko. A question which no one else didn't care unfortunately. 
Seiko answered in private (ie, without the mike) to the reporter.

Q. How are you feelign now? and what do you think about divorce now?
A. ...Divorce is really painful...

Throughout the entire event, Seiko was very calm and composed, not intimated by
the flaring questiong and camera flashes at all. Most reporters remarked they 
were surprised at how calm Seiko was, and commented that she was indeed "a very
couragous lady".

that is all folks. that was the news of 20th Century.:P
"Fly High to the new-oooooooo sky...hey-eeee now!" 
ps.Doogie, I still owe you my version of the DinnerSHow report right? (^^;;) aiyah.