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Name: Tzing <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Thousand Years Love
Date: 2001/01/18 12:53:10
Reference: msg/01778

Hi Alvin, Siu Bee,

So far not much has been mentioned since a low-key announcement early Dec last year.

The movie is an epic, it is based on one of the most "read" and well-known literature
piece "Genji Monogatari". The main cast composed of JApan's top actresses...
with that I dont mean those with cute grins and all, it is serious stuff we 
are talking here. Thus, Seiko's role is predicted to be a cameo one.

I think this one will be worth waiting for despite a possible small casting,
but to have the name as supporting actress would be great... to have a song
(gee, cant imagine Seiko singing a piece fitted for an epic! haa haaahaha)
would really make headlines...(^^)

No formal announcement of the entire cast... will update when released.
