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Name: Simon <E-mail>
Subject: Me and Seiko in Mexico
Date: 2001/01/18 16:25:19

Hi Tzing

You don't have to get that descriptive, Coconut splattering
is a little too graphic. No I did not have a straw hat, nor
did I have a Sambraro Mexican hat. There was one funny incident,
I was having dinner and I got up to get a salad, as I walk by
a table, one of the resort guest stopped me & ask me for some
coffee, she thought I was one of the Mexican waiters. Now I 
know I have a tan and I was wearing white pants and an off
white silk shirt, but I don't think I look Mexican. She might
had too many Pina Colada. Well, I went and got her a cup of
coffee, then I told her I don't work there. She was so embarassed
that she apologized to me for the next 3 days every time I saw
her. Also, I wore my baseball hat a lot more often after that.
