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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Question
Date: 2001/01/19 23:37:07
Reference: msg/01788

Hi Simon and all,

Thanks for the kind words about the screensaver, glad you like it! As a reminder
for anyone who missed my original message, the "Seiko Matsuda Forever Screensaver" is free...all you need to do is send me an e-mail and request it.
I'll reply to your e-mail with the file attached and instructions on how to
download and install it. It's sort of a preview of what I'll be doing with
" SMF Phase III" when it launches in May...more fun and different 

Best regards,


Date:1/19/1998. Simon 's message 

>Hey Doogie
>Is Pro Dancer in Vancouver the same as male exotic dancer
>in other parts of the world? Between you and Tzing, I am
>getting a cartoon-like death in Mexico, first the coconut
>splattering, then the stars circling around the head. What's
>By the way, Mike's screensaver is awsome!!
>Highly recommanded.