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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Was it the Future!
Date: 2001/01/23 11:23:16
Reference: msg/01802

Doogie, THE SEIKO 2001 CHALLENGE...that being the aforementioned conversion of every man, woman and child in the world into a Seiko fan...CONTINUES!

I'm at work today, and desktop support was working on my computer. The guy
helping me looks at the Seiko pics on my wall and asks "Is that your wife?"...

So, we talked about Seiko...I told him about SMF...and said to myself
"another soldier has been added to the Seiko Army"...:-)

Later the same afternoon I ran into a very nice Japanese girl who came to my
department a few months ago to ask for some help. I remembered her, but wasn't
sure if she remembered me. When she told me about being on the Customer Service
support team for Japan (she transferred to the USA from our Tokyo division a
while back), we had a few moments of J-talk and I said "You've heard
of Seiko Matsuda, haven't you?"

She paused for a moment, looked surprised, and said "MATSUDA SEIKO? YES!" She
now has the URL for SMF...:-) 

Keep up the good work, Doogie!

Best regards,


Date:1/23/1998. Doogie 's message 

>Hi everyone!
>Had some friends over for dinner last night and I decided to play
>"Was it the Future" as background music.  One of my friends (caucasian)commented
>on how nice the music/voice was and wanted to know who it was....  So,
>I told him that it was Seiko and everyone was so surprised, especially 
>because the entire album is in English.
>Also, one of my friends is an owner of a hair salon and he said that the
>title song (Was it the Future) and also the song 'First Time' sounded very
>familiar to him.  He believes that one of his workers brought the songs in
>from a compilation CD (I'll try to find out how/who/what about that).
>He has requested a copy of the album to play for his clients, exciting!
>Well, a little closer to getting more Seiko fans... :)
>P.S.  Was It the Future album is becoming one of my favorites...especially the song "First Time".