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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: More about Seiko URLs...
Date: 2001/02/08 22:46:32

Hi Everyone,

I just head some interesting news that I wanted to share with you. As you know,
the URL "" has been registered by someone...but there is no
Web Site at that address. They paid to register it...several years ago, at 
least...but have never set up a site at that address.

A court in the USA ruled yesterday in favor of a fan who registered the URL
""...since Bruce Springsteen took him to court in order
to gain ownership of the URL himself. Because the fan registered the URL 
through the proper channels and did NOT try to sell it to Springsteen, the
judge let him keep it.

An important decision...I know that more than a few fans, including yours truly,
would LOVE to have "" as their URL...and if it were registered
by someone who actually USED it for that purpose, I'd wish them well. For a 
while I thought that it might have been Seiko's management that grabbed it,
but since the "official" Seiko site has a different URL, that's not the case.

The good news is that if the owner ever tries to get "big money" from Seiko
for the use of her own name, the court will probably GIVE her the rights to
the URL. She probably made a smart move by not even asking for it, because 
now the owner gets to pay a yearly renewal fee...for nothing.

ANYWAY...I'm looking forward to May, and will be very happy when I am able to
present SMF III at the URL ""....

Best regards,
