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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: More about Seiko URLs...
Date: 2001/02/11 08:02:23
Reference: msg/01816

Benjamin, is another URL that someone has purchased, but is not using.

Regarding the screensaver, I'm not sure of the problem. I've not heard this
comment from the others who have downloaded and installed it (although if 
anyone is reading this and has had the same problem please let me know).

The way I designed it is that all images "fade in" and are replaced after a 
few seconds by the next image, which also "fades in." The colors you mention
might be a normal function of the screensaver. Part of the fade-in process is
that there are little dots, which start as hundreds and then become thousands
as the picture fades. But you should see each image clearly before they fade
in and out.

I am using the screensaver on my PC, and it is working properly...the file I
have installed is the same one that I posted on for download. The proper file size of the seiko.exe file is 3188K. My suggestion (especially
if no one else reports problems) is to download the file again, verify that it
is the correct file size, and reinstall it. Files are sometimes corrupted during
download, generally due to even a moment of interference or static in your net
connection, and while it will appear that you have successfully downloaded the
file, even a few bytes missing could cause it to not function properly.

I'm sorry that you have had problems, but hopefully the above information will
help. If not, please let me know!

Best regards,


Date:2/10/1998. Benjamin 's message 

>Is there a
>I successfully downloaded your screen saver.  When I tested it, the picture was clear and identical to the CD covers.  But when it was shown as screen savers, the image somehow stopped before it was 'sharp'.  It has some grey colors on each image.  Can you explain.  Nonetheless, I am 95% happy!
>Thanks again.