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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: It's A Small Seiko World...
Date: 2001/02/16 10:01:24

Hello Everyone,

Further if we need it...that Seiko is known and loved all over the world!

I was chatting on MSN last night, and I met a nice lady from Philadelphia. We were talking about the usual things...where are you from, what do you do for work, I sent her the URL for SMF. She was looking through the site while we chatted live and said "I KNOW SEIKO MATSUDA!!!!!"

It turns out that she lived in Japan when she was 18 and saw one of the very early "Idol Seiko" concerts. She said it was very much of a frenzied situation...lots of enthusiasm...and commented that "she was huge in the 80s."

It's ironic that so many people knew of her in the beginning and just assume that she vanished or stopped performing...I sent her the URL from SMF for the video capture photos from "Armageddon," and told her about the 20th Party album / tour / video. 

And when she asked why I started SMF, I tell her what I tell everyone...that Seiko has one of the most beautiful voices I've heard, that her career is a testament to strength, courage, and believing in one's self...but most importantly, that I was inspired to do my Web Site because of meeting the fans right here in Taka-san's Forum...some of the nicest, most intelligent folks you'd want to meet.

Just wanted to share that with you...the Seiko World Conquest continues!!!!

Best regards,
