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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: Re: Seiko's CMs and SAYAKA debut
Date: 2001/04/12 04:45:13
Reference: msg/01876

Hi Tzing and all,

Interesting stuff...the first thing I thought when I saw the picture of Sayaka
was "Ryoko Hirosue"...not so much because there is a passing resemblance in the
photo, but because the "image" is very similar...she's got the "idol" look...

In the last few years in the US, we've seen the sons and daughters of famous
performers go on to stardom...I wonder if some day I'll have a son or daughter
who will become the webmaster of a "Sayaka Forever" Web Site...

You never know...:-)

Best regards,


Date:4/12/1998. Tzing 's message 

>Seiko has three CM running
>1) The mail order only SkinCare product where Seiko sings "Ave Maria" (this 
>will be the coupling song of new sing "This is the Place" for release 5/16)
>2) Lion brand Washing Detergent CM On-Air end April
>3) Glico Ice Popsicles. This one is with SAYAKA, who sings a tune penned by
>one of Seiko's writers in the early years. Comments were that SAYAKA sounds
>very much like Seiko...SAYAKA likes litercy writing and has written the words
>to the song. and replied that the person she respects most was her mother.
>Incidentally, Glico was the first CM for Seiko too.