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Name: Mike from S.C. <E-mail>
Subject: "Touch The LOVE" Screensaver on SMF III
Date: 2001/05/03 07:11:31

Hi everyone,

One of the many joys I've found in the new "Video: The LOVE" collection is the
video for "Touch the LOVE," which I'd never seen before. It's beautifully
photographed, and for those of you who like Seiko's "natural" look, there is a 
nice combination of that and the type of cinematography that was in the "Angel"

I'm currently doing video collage captures of the video on SMF. When I do these
collages I take between 400 and 700 "snapshots" of the video, and choose the
best photos for my collage. With "Touch The LOVE," there were so many great
still photos that I decided to create the second SMF III screensaver.

There are 21 images...each a collage, containing 12 photos...which means a 
grand total of 252 photos from the video. 

The format is the same as before...go to SMF III and click on the link, which
will download the self-extracting "touchthelove.exe" file to your hard drive.
You will find full instructions and the file at this URL:

I wanted to do something special to show my thanks to all of you as we have
reached the one year anniversary of SMF: The Remix (Seiko Matsuda Forever was
launched in January 1999, The Remix version in May 2000). SMF Phase III will
launch in July of this year...due to personal reasons and circumstances beyond
my control, my original plans were delayed. I want the new site to contain
only my best work, and as a result need a little more time to make that happen.

Best regards,
